Life Tools & Toys is a coaching process that guides you to access your inner source of self-knowledge so that you may realize what you most truly long for, and what you have to offer the world.

The tools are methods to heighten your talents, and to face the shadows that hide your beneficial parts.

The toys are all the amazing, freeing opportunities to open up and play with the possibilities…

…to create your own sanctuary, your own reservoir, your own unique and meaningful life.

This is how I coach: I guide you to get to your own inner world, making sure you stay close to your authentic self so that you can live from your innate wisdom. Naturally bubbling up to the surface are tools that will help you in your daily life to make this connection stronger - the breath; mind awareness; visualizations; journaling; whatever works for you. We’ll discover them together and learn how to use them.

With these tools you start playing, turning them into toys to experiment with in your daily activities. Some of them will be real fun, and some of them will be boring... But!.. any decision you make, any strategy you invent, any action-path you design, will be filled with confidence, personal authenticity and conviction as long it truly comes from you, whatever the results are (most likely, pretty good).
So let’s get to it! Let’s explore the many possibilities that we never even knew existed. Right now you won’t feel it, but you do have tons of choices - for the better.
Once you access your treasure trove of virtues (and shadows), I step back to witness, reflect and listen as you do the work of your exploration and discovery.
When that happens, we are completely aligned with each other, ready to change, ready to become a better human being - for the benefit of all (yourself included).


“Your guidance helps me a lot during the day. Your voice naturally comes in my head, like, 'There is no need to react immediately with the people around you.’ I feel centered again.”

A client from Amravati

“Our sessions have been such a beautiful support to my soul and the inspiration of them is alive within me. I’m so grateful!“

A client from Los Angeles

“D-J always manages to pull me out from my blues and brings me back to my rosé. He is very non-judgemental and offers a safe listening space. Sessions with him feel easeful even when we go through the depths to my shadows.”

A client from Bengalore

“The coaching sessions couldn’t have been at a more perfect time. They were exactly(!!) what I needed in each moment. Wow! Thank you for the many wonderful tools and toys. I feel as if you were a conduit of wisdom and insight throughout our sessions. I am grateful. You are truly inspired, D-J. You are the best coach! “

A client from Seattle

“Hi D-J! I enjoyed the session immensely. I feel like my day has taken a positive spin after it. I am using the tools to deal with my parts in a better way, and any other situation that seems to arise. This is helping me immensely as well. I’m quite impressed with how quickly I'm able to change my perspective and emotional state with regards to different situations that arise. “

A client from Mumbai