I am trained as a Life Coach by the Leadership That Works school, in a program called Coaching For Transformation. This USA-company and their certified trainings has an Indian faculty (Mumbai) where I graduated. My ACC certification (Associate Certified Coach) is recognized by the ICF (International Coach Federation).

In LA I worked in the film industry and as the Operations Manager of a meditation center. My spiritual longing and quest became the center point of my life instead of the arts. To deepen my spiritual practices I lived in a strict ashram in India for 6 years. India has become the 3rd country I have strong roots with. Life coaching is my calling, one of the ways that I can give back to others what my studies and practices have given to me. I know the power of transformation from my own experiences - and am convinced: so can you. For the past couple of years I have been splitting my time between Mumbai (where my husband lives) and Los Angeles.

Around my 40s, suddenly the field of teachers broadened tremendously. Oh wow, that stranger on the bus saying something (not even to me) gives me a great insight. That horrible acquaintance I just couldn't avoid suddenly would have a point about me - really painful to hear, but o so necessary. That selfish boss with his limited belief systems... wow!.. I can actually benefit from him, by asking myself that simple question: What can I learn? When I feel stuck or my emotions take over, I ask myself that question. Something magical always happens after that. The learning doesn’t stop. As you probably already know… ;-)

I was born and raised in The Netherlands. I have a Masters degree in History from Erasmus University Rotterdam. I went to a film screening and fell in love with the filmmaker. I moved to Portland, Oregon to be with him, and later to Los Angeles where I worked in various capacities on film sets and in theatre.

Teachers I put on a pedestal - those folks that guide, entice, challenge, provoke, and protect. Sure, there are the obvious ones - the math teacher; the scout master; the professor; the Guru; the filmmaker; etc. But whatever they taught would have gone to waste without my willingness, tenacity, thirst to study, practice, and apply their teachings in my daily activities. In your case, my dear reader, are you able to do the dishes with a peaceful mind?

My life experiences and lessons are the tools & toys with which I build a safe space to experiment in. From there I pull from my Self and the Self of others. Spiritual practices are my lifeline - meditation, self-examination, scriptural study, lauding the divine in song, selfless service. They are all coming together beautifully in the life coaching profession. Thus my purpose as a life coach has become 'guiding others helping themselves by witnessing the mind and discover their wisdom.’ If we do it right, you won’t need me for long.